



Centenário da

Sinagoga Shaaré Tikvá



           Como é do conhecimento de todos, celebramos  este ano o Centenário da nossa Sinagoga. Cem anos durante os quais os nossos pais e avós, e antes deles todos os que aqui chegaram ao longo do século XIX, foram desafiando todas as dificuldades e construindo os alicerces do edifício comunitário.

           Talvez o maior desafio tenha sido a construção da nossa Sinagoga Shaaré Tikvá, fruto do sonho e da visão audaciosa de um punhado de homens e mulheres que não se contentaram com os pequenos centros de oração que já existiam e resolveram olhar para o futuro com um olhar mais vasto.

          A comunidade era pequena, com poucos meios. Não faltaram, por isso, críticas à “mania das grandezas”. E, não entanto, esses homens e mulheres não hesitaram em deitar mãos à obra e conseguiram, apesar de todas as dificuldades, realizar o seu sonho.

          As gerações presentes já herdaram a nossa bela sinagoga. Fez-se obras de fundo em 1949 e agora, passados 50 anos, estamos de novo a restaurá-la, porque é nossa obrigação cuidar do património legado pelos nossos antepassados.

        Mas estas obras não são apenas um tributo à memória dos fundadores. São acima de tudo uma forma de contribuir para que a Sinagoga seja de facto o centro espiritual da comunidade, a sua casa comum, o espaço de encontro e de convívio, de estudo e oração para novos e velhos, homens e mulheres, o espaço de uma comunidade viva e dinâmica.

          Temos feito um enorme esforço para angariar os fundos necessários. Mas ainda nos falta uma verba importante para chegar ao fim. 

        Divulgamos logo abaixo alguns dos principais sectores da obra para que possa escolher o destino do seu contributo. Mas seja ele qual for, não deixe de o fazer: lembre-se que esta é a única vez na sua vida que pode contribuir para o Centenário da sua Sinagoga.

                                                                                           Esther Mucznik

                                                                                    Vice-Presidente da CIL


            DESCRITIVO                                                                                        VALOR


   Reconstrução da Portaria    (Segurança)                                             16.000,00 €

   Restauro e recuperação de objectos religiosos                                   4.000,00 € 

   Arranjos do Jardim e Execução do Memorial                                     18.000,00 € Mikvé                                                                                                              55.000,00 €

   Restauro do Ehal                                                                                        35.000,00 €

   Biblioteca                                                                                                      35.000,00 €

   Gabinete Rabino                                                                                         20.000,00 € 

   Interior do Templo (construção civil / iluminação/ recuperação

de madeiras e cadeiral...)                                                                           280.000,00 €

   Livro Oficial do Centenário                                                                         5.000,00 €


   Total Arrecadado (membros da Cil e simpatizantes)                      127.000,00 € Total Arrecadado (Instituições / Estado)                                             236.000,00 €

   Total a arrecadar                                                                                       105.000,00 €  


 Campanha de Angariação de
Fundos para Restauro da Sinagoga


Dear Friend,

We are addressing this letter to all Jews who were either born in Portugal and don’t live here any more, or who spent here some time, either as a Refugee or in any other capacity. In short, we are writing to all Jews who have some kind of link and, hopefully, still feel an affinity or affection for the Portuguese Jewish Community in Lisbon.

As you perhaps know, our Synagogue Shaaré Tikvá was founded in 1904. It is the most important Temple in our Country, an historic and architectural landmark.

In 2004, we are celebrating its 100th anniversary, in a ceremony attended by Portugal’s highest raking political dignitaries and religious representatives of all faiths.
 We would like to extend to you and your family a very hearty welcome at these ceremonies. Your presence among us would greatly enhance the festivities, and provide all of us the opportunity to renew old friendships and acquaintances. In due course, we shall be sending you a more detailed schedule of events.

We would also like to let you know that, in anticipation of these festivities, we had to address and commit ourselves to the long overdue renovation of the Synagogue, which hasn’t had any major work done since 1949 – before its 50th anniversary.

As you can well imagine, this commitment means, for all of us, a major financial effort. The total cost involves almost US$ 500.000, toward which we have been able to raise substantial contributions from the World Monument Fund, the Portuguese Government, the City of Lisbon and other official sources.

The major part of these costs has to be supported by individual contributions within our Community. However, it happens that ours is an extremely small one. Therefore, we need each and everyone’s support – whatever you can give. No donation is too small.

We have established a program to publicly recognize the names of all of those who, each one within his or her individual financial resources, contribute towards the renovation of our Synagogue. Among other initiatives, we shall publish a booklet to preserve and to remind future generations of the History of our Community and all of its Benefactors.

We would be greatly honoured to include your name among our Benefactors. Indeed, your contribution will help us cover the renovation costs. Otherwise, we may be forced to reduce some of the social, educational and religious services we provide to our Community.

We hope that you may be willing to participate with your generous contribution, may it be large or small.

Indeed, our Temple, its History and its Patrimony, are the most significant legacies which we received from our ancestors and that we can leave to our children and future generations.

We want to thank you in advance and hope that this initiative may meet your sympathy towards our efforts to preserve and to dignify the religious life all Jews in Portugal.

Meanwhile, with our warm best wishes to you and your Family,


The Board of Directors

Please send your generous contribution to:

Comunidade Israelita de Lisboa
Rua do Monte Olivete, 16 R/C
1200-280 Lisboa
If you prefer, you may send your contribution by bank transfer to:

BANK BES     NIB: 0007 0006 0000 5570009 02

In both cases, please specify: Synagogue Fund

Other helpful contacts at CIL:

Telephone: + 351 213 931 130
Fax: + 351 213 931 139

Executive Director: Marcos Prist

Cem anos depois da primeira pedra

Lisboa, 02/06/2002 - Veja imagens, as mensagens do Presidente da República, do Presidente da Comunidade Israelita de Lisboa, e mais.


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